Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Happy Post Halloween to everyone! We are recovering from our candy fueled rush last night.

Katherine's party and parade at school was fun. She made a craft, then they had their Costume parade around the neighborhood. They then had donuts, cider and cookies while watching Dora's Halloween episode. All the children in her class are very sweet. You can view pictures of her class here.

After school we had to bust tail to take Nathan to his mom's pick up time at 5 pm in Cedar Springs. What a nightmare. We ended up being stuck behind slow traffic and then switching routes to get there faster, only to be 15 minutes after pick up time. Katherine also fell asleep on the way there, fueling my fear that this whole arrangement had ruined trick-or-treating for us.

So Jonathan and I fantasized about being rich all the way home, which was quite fun. It distracted me from being upset about Halloween being ruined, so he's good.

Then we had trick-or-treating. We went to the same neighborhood we went to last time and had a pretty good time. Katherine was escorted to the door on the first house, to the porch on the second, and then I was forced to stay at the sidewalk with Daddy after that. She's so confident and outgoing and was very excited. We kept having to remind her that she needed to say "Trick-or-treat" or "Happy Halloween" when they answered the door and "thank you" afterward.

We got to walk by the Haunted Jail. It was pretty awesome looking. They had strobe lights and spooky shadows. I can't wait to take Katherine when she's old enough. They had treats outside so we bought some popcorn and kept trick-or-treating.

After walking around for almost 2 hours, I came to get angrier and angrier about one thing - Halloween etiquette. If you are handing out candy, you should have your porch light on. If you aren't, you shouldn't have your porch light on. My beautiful, confident 4 year old went to every single house with the porch light on, only to get frustrated because half of the people weren't there. Or how about the houses that had porch lights on, people at home, my daughter screaming "TRICK OR TREAT!" and knocking as loud as possible, they still wouldn't even come to the door to say "no candy" or anything. Losers.

So today we are being lazy. Cleaning the house, eating, playing. Just normal stuff.

More information on Katherine's party coming up!