Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's Fall? Says who?

Ah, says Election Day.

President Obama!!! Katherine calls him Bo-mama, which is hilarious. I'm so so so happy. I felt a thrill through my soul when I found out he won. It's like hearing a close friend won the lottery. You are so happy for everyone involved, including yourself, because you know you will benefit too!.

Well, the kids and I enjoyed this week's weather. It's been gorgeous! During the days, it's been getting up into the 70s. Too bad it's been getting dark so early or else we would be able to enjoy more than early afternoon.

It's been a weird week - I don't know why. I just haven't been feeling myself. I feel awkward and slow and uncoordinated in almost any aspect of my life right now. My weight is becoming a big thing in my mind and heart right now, so I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing.

Katherine's birthday party is two weeks and a day away and I can't for the life of me get back on party planning. I haven't even sent invitations to her class yet! This weekend, I promise that I will be making them up and sending them to her classmates on Monday. Katherine just can't wait to have Aimee Jo come to her house and her party. She can't stop talking about it!

Thanksgiving is the week after her birthday party and I'm semi-excited for that as well. I keep hoping that I will be able to have dinner for our family. I like preparing big dinners like that. Hate the dishes, love the work.

Well, off to collect fundraiser items, see if my car is needing a new radiator and pick up my girl from school.